CuteHMI - View (cutehmi.view.2)

Client, GUI application, which allows one to run CuteHMI project in a window.

Any extension that provides graphical UI QML component can be loaded as CuteHMI project. Use --extension command line argument to specify an extension. To run 'Simple View' example use following command.

cutehmi.view.2 --extension="CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.0"

To run project from QtCreator click Projects -> Run. Select cutehmi.view.2 from Run configuration. In the Command line arguments box type: cutehmi.view.2 --extension="CuteHMI.Examples.SimpleView.0". The window should look similar to the screenshot below.

SimpleView screenshot

For debug builds use cutehmi.view.2.debug instead of cutehmi.view.2.

Default loader picks Main.qml as default QML component to load. Component can be specified with --component option. One can also use --init option to replace default loader with custom one.

You can use --help command line argument to see a list of all possible command line options.